The Alice Springs Telegraph Station Mountain Bike Trail network is perfect for riders who only have a couple hours to spend scouting the local trails.
Just 3km from the town’s centre, you can cycle directly from Outback Cycling to the Telegraph Station Reserve. From there you can pick any of the four colour-coded trails.
The green trail on the West side of the Todd River is fully paved, allowing all sorts of bicycles to get up to Telegraph Station. The green trail on the East side of the Todd River is dirt, but flat and suitable for beginners (many walkers utilising it as well).
The blue, red, and yellow trails are all intermediate. These trails have many rocks and some sand patches scattered throughout.
The very top yellow trail is a 4-wheel drive track. If you have gone to Wigley’s Gorge and are too tired to ride single-track back to town, you may take the top yellow option to the North Stuart Highway and come down the paved road back into town.
Please note, the only place to fill up your water bottle is at the Telegraph Station. There are NO refill stations on the trails.